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Off Patent Products

Off Patent Products


for the price conscious customer

Maximize yield potential and enhance sustainability, Nutrient Maximizers offer a tried and tested formula for your crops.

Fungicides are critical compounds in the fight against crop loss due to fungal infections, the leading cause of agricultural loss globally.

Enhance your farm’s productivity and health today and into the future with products that help you address challenges while boosting profitability.

We can help you manage your pests and support a healthier crop. Our products are designed to be effective and provide superior performance.

Nutritionals help increase crop yields by making specific nutrients more available when used in conjunction with intensive agricultural production practices.

Biological and fungicide treatments are most effective at managing seed-borne diseases. They can also help suppress early season root rots.

Be confident that your seeds will be protected against pests, disease, and uncertain soil conditions during the critical early growth period.

Keep a close watch on your fields and review the growth stages of their soybeans in order to properly time fungicide applications.